How to login & shop our wholesale portal
You may have noticed you can view the website and browse products, but there are no add to cart buttons visible. To be able to add products to cart and complete checkout the following must be true:
1. You must have created & be logged into an account on our website
2. Your account must be approved and activated by us to enable checkout
If you've previously purchased from us
If you've ever purchased our products before, even on another platform, you likely already have an account activated. Simply go to the login page and create an account, or login with Shop, with the email address you normally use. If you can add products to cart while viewing product pages you're all good to go!
If you're logged in but still can't see the option to add products to cart while viewing product pages, contact us with the email you created your account under to complete setup. It's likely you have an account activated with the wrong email and we can easily get that fixed for you!
If you've received an email that your account has been activated
Even if your account has been activated, your password has not been set. To set your password you will need to go to the login page, click "Create new account", and create an account with the SAME email that you provided to us in your set up form. After logging in you should immediately be able to add products to cart, checkout, and if applicable, pay on account.
New to Zerra & Co. and need an account activated?
Fill out this form here to get the approval process started! The form takes a minute to fill out and is just to make sure only valid businesses can complete checkout. This form is only for new stores who have never purchased from us, if you have previously purchased from us and are needing account support you can contact us here.
Q: After I create an account, do I need to wait for you to activate it?
A: If we have told you that your account is already activated or if you have previously purchased from us, likely no. We can activate accounts before they're created, but we cannot set your account password for you. This is why even if we have activated your account, you MUST still "create" an account with your email address to set your password and complete setup.
If you believe you should have an account under an email address but can't add products to cart or complete checkout after logging in, please contact us so we can help get your account setup!
Q: To shop direct do I have to use the website?
A: Nope! You can just email your orders to and we can put them in on your behalf. If you are new to Zerra & Co. you must still fill out our application form to order this way.
Q: I'm not sure if I'm logged in properly, how can I tell?
A: This is what a product page looks like to any old visitor:
This is what a product page looks to a logged in & activated account:
If you don't see the option to add products to cart and you're logged in, there's likely a problem with your account and you need to contact us to fix it.